On the morning of Aug 18, 2010 I awoke at approximately 5:30 to uncomfortable pains in my lower abdomen. Being that I was officially 40 weeks pregnant you would figure that I would realize that these were labor pains- but alas, no, that was not the case. I figured them to be uncomfortable gas pains- they were centrally located and everything I had heard/read said labor pains are felt all over the abdomen and in the back. So- I'm a little clueless at times. These pains were quite uncomfortable and when it finally dawned on me about a half hour later that I just might be having contractions, and that my water had possibly broken, I decided then it would be a good idea to awake my dreaming husband. I thought I had plenty of time to get to the hospital but told him to call them to have them ready for our arrival. He did so and they said to come on down. He then phoned my mother to tell her to come when (according to my mother) I yelled for him to get in the bathroom. He came in to find me sitting on the toilet- in pain. He started joking about the day would be so long in the hospital when I started really hurting. I then started losing real control of my body. It became quite an out-of-body experience at this point. My body squatted (hovered over the toilet) and my legs froze. The pain was a great pressure on my bottom. It was at this point I knew I would not be able to get to the car to go to the hospital. I informed Rob that I was in pain and couldn't move. He asked me what to do- my reply? CALL 9-1-1!! The paramedic on the phone had Rob check to see if the head had crowned. Affirmative.
Paramedic: "Get her on the floor now."
Debbie: "I can't move."
Paramedic (much louder): "Get her off the toilet NOW!"
I took a couple steps (being that I could hear him through the phone) and Rob swooped me onto the floor. The paramedic then informed Rob to apply gentle counter-pressure to the baby's head as to prevent her from coming too fast. (Which is kind of funny to me being that we were in our bathroom and in labor and I hadn't been awake for 45 minutes yet either!) Rob went to apply the pressure and I yelled at him to get his hands off me. Contraction came, so did her face. Another contraction came, her whole head was out. Third contraction came, shoulders out- cord not a danger. Phew. Fourth contraction, my baby girl is officially born- 6:24 am. No paramedics. Just me, my husband and baby. It is quite a different feeling not having nurses, doctors, or visitors there. It was quiet (well- aside from my yells) and intimate. It took her a minute or so to start breathing- but she finally did and great relief filled my body. Not only was the pain gone- but my sweet baby was just fine. Two minutes after her arrival the paramedics made it in the bathroom. Welcome to the three-ring circus. Keep in mind- I am on the floor of my bathroom. My head is at the base of the toilet, my bottom is at the door. Great way to say hello. yikes.
The paramedics assessed the situation and immediately took control. I couldn't see Rob anymore- no room- and the whole thing seemed to go rather quickly. They cut the umbilical cord, took Ella and wrapped her up and got me onto the stretcher. At this point the paramedics asked me to not push anymore- keep the placenta in until we got to the hospital. Not the most comfortable feeling. They began to carry me out to the gurney when a slight problem occurred, they couldn't get the proper angle with the stretcher to get me out of the bedroom and into the hall! It was quite comedic. They did figure it out though and I was placed onto the gurney and whisked away to the ambulance. I heard them say to someone "she just had a baby" but I couldn't tell you if it was a man/woman or multiple on=lookers. The paramedic holding Ella looked like a proud papa. It was sweet to behold. (If I could I would like to get her picture with those guys.)
In the ambulance they checked me, started an IV and got permission to go to Kaiser Hospital. I don't know how long that process took- but it felt like forever. I know I kept asking how Ella was doing- if she was breathing. They informed me she was looking around and doing great. I was then told we would be riding code 3 to the hospital to avoid traffic congestion. Sweet! During the ride they were filling in paperwork and guesstimating Ella's weight. The paramedic holding her guessed around 6 pounds. I kept thinking how tiny that was and how that meant she was early and the dates were off. To me that was like having a preemie. I totally thought she was a pip-squeak. That made me slightly nervous. Once we arrived at the hospital the first thing the nurse asked me was: "what happened?!" Hmmm... let me think about this. She then started telling me how they were prepped and ready for me to have the baby there. Apparently my baby was ready much faster than her mother. No complaints here. =0) I was transferred onto the hospital bed- said good-bye to my paramedic friends and the Dr was summoned for the last phase of this birth. They gave me pitocin to get my uterus back into action and I actually had to exert myself to push out the placenta. That was a strange phenomena to me. With the other two there was no issue getting the placenta out. With this one due to having to wait so long, any urge to push was gone. I found it interesting. So anyways- got the placenta out (no problem), got cleaned up and Rob came in. That was when the whole incident hit me. That was when the tears came. Rob asked/made sure they were happy tears- of course. It's just such an overwhelming situation that once it sunk in that everyone was fine I couldn't contain my emotion any more. I remembered at this point (or maybe it was Rob) to ask for Ella's stats. She was 8 lbs 3 oz and 19 1/2 inches. Ahhh sweet relief. She was perfect. I finally got to hold her- she was hungry! The crazy nurses!! I was trying to nurse and they were trying to get my blood pressure and getting mad that I kept bending my arm where the IV was. SERIOUSLY?! I wanted to tell them to go away- I gave birth at home I think I'm ok. But that's not me. Rob finally told them to back off. =0) She ate- quite heartily and the three of us were left alone for a little bit. It was nice to have some intimacy once again. (There definitely are some perks to home birth!)
Once again I was moved, this time to the regular room and not the LDR. I remember being so anxious for Audrey and Nikki to come. It felt like forever until they arrived- and then they didn't stay very long. It was probably best- but I wanted them around. I wanted my little family to savor the moment that we had. Oh well. Their little visit was good. I had a great amount of energy- something I didn't have after the births of the other two. They took so long and happened so late that I would be exhausted.
This birth was truly crazy, amazing, and miraculous. I am so grateful to have three of the most beautiful girls in the world. I wouldn't give up being a mother for anything. I am so grateful that despite the diagnosis of infertility I received so many years ago- I was fortunate enough to have these three miracles. What a blessing I've been given.
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