Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Latest, but not the Greatest

And so I continue to hope that things will continue to improve here in Oceanside. (I still hate our apt but I can't do anything about that right now.) Audrey's leg is healing and we haven't needed to replace this cast yet. Thank Heavens! At her Dr. appt yesterday we were told that her leg was at an 8 last week and a 5 yesterday. Apparently the bones are pulling themselves together. The body is truly an amazing work. Thankfully she's not in any pain. Just a little itchy every so often. Glad it's winter too!
I had a Dr. sign a note to have Audrey receive in-home tutors. Hopefully the teacher calls today and that gets going. I fear she is falling behind. I know why I don't homeschool! I am not a disciplined mother. I'm working on it... but I don't want my kids to suffer while I work out my weakness. =0)
There is a definite chance that Rob won't be transferred to San Marcos like we hoped/thought. So... there is a new possibility that we will be moving back to the OC. Unfortunately I was told it will not be back where I want... but it is the OC! He's heard the great gas-saving benefit of living close to the office/job site. So, if the transfer doesn't go through... then OC here we come!
My sister is having to deal with the trial of cancer. You think skin cancer... no big deal. Dad has stuff removed all the time and nothing has ever come of it. Of course, put the Brague name with it and out comes the rare stuff. When Brague's get sick, we go all out. Sarah has a rare form of skin cancer: Naevoid Melanoma, Stage IV. She's already had the surgery to remove the cancerous mole (found close to her right ankle). Apparently they had to go down to the tendon/bone to remove it all. Which means they also did a skin graft. During that same procedure they removed 2 of her lymph nodes. One was found to have cancer. So the cancer spread. Just how far they are now trying to determine. They did a PT/CT scan and found that a spot in her leg muscle. So next came the MRI. The MRI showed all is clear. =0) HALLELUJAH! Yesterday she had another procedure to remove the remaining lymph nodes in her right leg. They will test these to see if they find any more cancer. There have been tears and giggles. But the unknown is the scariest part of all. The next step for her is to see the oncologist. The rest of the family has to sit back, hope, pray, and support our sister during her greatest trial. The good news is Sarah is bound and determined to fight and beat this beast the world has come to know. I know she will succeed. She always does.

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